
Record Store Day was started in 2007 as a way to celebrate and promote the culture of the record store, and to spread the word about all the independently-owned physical retail stores still alive and well in the United States. Since then, the celebration has spread to stores across the world, and every year we work with more and more stores in the US and abroad. Additionally, Record Store Day organizers are now able to offer US stores the opportunity to participate in special promotions and exclusive releases throughout the year. Indie record stores who submit complete information, by the deadlines, and are found to meet all criteria are invited to participate by making Record Store Day a celebration day for their store. In-store performances, sales, demonstrations, dances, and everything that makes an indie record store unique should be on display that day. Stores are able to participate at any level they choose.

Once you enter your information below, Record Store Day organizers will go over it to determine that all criteria for a Record Store Day store are met, and may contact you for more information.  Please make sure the email address you use to register is one that you check frequently as this will be the address Record Store Day uses to contact you and to send you information on a regular basis about releases, promotions, Black Friday and Record Store Day.  Please understand that we have to make sure the stores registered and listed on this site fits our description of a record store. A Record Store Day participating store is defined as a retailer whose main primary business focuses on a full-time, stand-alone, physical store location, whose product line focuses on the sale of music on CD, Vinyl and and other formats, and whose company is independently owned and not publicly traded.

We also require that stores have an updated website or social media presence that conveys information about their store location and hours. We encourage customers to find a new store near them, and often their first means of contact and information is a webpage, Facebook  or other social media page. If the information you submit below doesn't include a legitimate link to one of these, we can not accept the submission.

Record Store Day takes great pains to make sure that stores who are invited to participate in Record Store Day are actual record stores. The decision to add a store or remove a store from the list of participating store is the sole discretion of Record Store Day.

We can not take submissions from stores who are not already open. Once you open your doors, please submit your information.

NOTE: Record stores are welcome to sign up at any time, but understand that each submission is looked at individually, and we are a very small, volunteer staff. It can take a while for stores to be included, but we always confirm stores in time for them to participate in our big events, Record Store Day and Back to Black Friday. If we have questions about your store, we'll get in touch with you, otherwise please expect a welcome email if we find that you meet the criteria and your store has gone live on the site.


NOTES ABOUT INTERNATIONAL STORES: This website does include information on participating International stores, but this is primarily a US site, and the releases and promotions featured on this site are for US stores.

Attention International Stores: In being careful to correctly place your signups, it will take an extra day or two, before you see your listing under your country and on the map. Your patience is appreciated.
SPECIAL NOTE: UK stores should register at
Canadian stores should register at