RSD DROPS 2021 - June 12 > Jonathan Winters - Unearthed

Jonathan Winters



Event: RSD DROPS 2021 - June 12
Release Date: 6/12/2021
Format: 3 x LP
Label: Comedy Dynamics
Quantity: 1000
Release type: RSD Drops 2021 Jun 12th

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June - RSD First

A 3xLP box of unheard and classic material in partnership with the estate of the comic legend. 

Disc 1. Wonderful World of JW
Side 1:
1. Introduction/Flying Saucer 
2. Western
3. Football Game
4. Airline Pilots
Side 2:
1. Used Pet Shop
2. Hip Robin Hood
3. Super Service Station
4. Marine Corps

Disc 2. JW at the Crescendo on January 22, 1960.
Side 1:
1. Introduction
2. Horror Movies
3. Interviews
4. Prison Scene
Side 2:
1. Amateur Show
2. Introduction/Scratchy
3. Commercials
4. Great White Hunter

Disc 3. Bonus Material
Side 1:
1. JW with the Martians - Nee Nee Na Na Na Na Nu Nu 
2. JW with the Martians - Take Me To Your Leader
3. Guillotine
4. Picnic
5. Lightning Bug
6. Schizo 
7. Chains
Side 2:
1. Winters Wonderland 1
2. Winters Wonderland 2