The Grasshopper Shop
124 Main St.
Ellsworth, ME 04605
United States of America
Phone: 207-667-4247
124 Main St.
Ellsworth, ME 04605
United States of America
Phone: 207-667-4247
The Grasshopper Shop stocks the quirky and somewhat more obscure record titles plus a modicum of current rock and country. Heavy on Folk and Americana especially. Generally a reflection of what you might hear on our community radio station WERU. The record department is a sm,all part of what might be described as a funky boutique general store.
Main Street in downtown Ellsworth is US Route 1. The Grasshopper Shop is on the corner of Franklin Street right in the middle of Downtown Ellsworth. 30 miles southeast of Bangor and the access point for Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island.