wonder records
wonder records is a vinyl only store in a split store front with wonder skate culture in harrisonburg. we've been open since november 2011 focusing mostly on used records and vintage hi-fi stereo equipment. my original goal for the store was to carry new records by the end of the first year as long as the store was holding its own. I've been pleased to see the support and response in such a small town.i've recently started carrying new records from mostly smaller labels since a larger minimum is harder to fill and sell. some labels i've been carrying are burger records, infinity cat, teepee, light in the attic, captured tracks, windian, sst, hells headbangers, and i've recently set up accounts with strictly canadian and plastic head. i ran a large sale on record store day last year since i had not yet applied but i would love for my customers to be able to participate in record store day without having to drive out of town. -thanks Elliott