We are a small store business we would like to expand our customer base. Record Store Day would be an awesome way to do this. We sell used vinyl and CDs and are set up with Alliance and MVD to get new. We are located in a small college town of Ada, Ohio or for Ohio Northern University. The college kids are looking for the newer music that we didn't have access to and was shopping elsewhere.
Directions:From Lima, OH: 309 east to SR 235 north to Ada, our store is next to Dollar General in grey building. Or 81 east to SR 235 south to Ada, our store is south of town next to Dollar General. From Kenton, OH: 309 west to SR 235 north to Ada From Findlay, Ohio: I 75 south to SR 235 south to Ada Or SR 68 south to Dunkirk to SR81 west to Ada