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Although their spiritual home has always been a brick rowhouse in Baltimore,MD, Praise's members now stretch down the East Coast and all the way outto Portland, OR. Across two EPs and three LPs, the band has never tried toconceal the influence that music from the nation's capital region has had onthem. Nonetheless, the sound they've cultivated for 15 years is wholly theirown, and Praise remains the band most devoted to carrying forward thetradition of vulnerable, melodic hardcore. Challenging their own tendency forgradual and meticulous songwriting, Praise has assembled a collection ofsongs that are at once their most collaborative and their most natural. Fittingly,the three-song EP Coming Up For Air was brought to life by engineer MattRedenbo at the legendary Magpie Cage Studio in Baltimore, MD.TRACK LIST1. Coming Up For Air2. Good Grief3. Chasing Colors