1. Anonymous: Suite in G Minor: I. Preludium lente (27)
2. Anonymous: Suite in G Minor: II. Aria (27)
3. Anonymous: Suite in G Minor: III. Courant (27)
4. Anonymous: Greensleeves
5. Playford: Bonny Brow
6. Anonymous:Suite in D Minor: I. [Overture] (16a)
7. Anonymous:Suite in D Minor: II. [Courante] (16a)
8. Coprario: O Grief
9. Hume: The Spirit of Gambo
10. Anonymous:Suite in D Major: I. Spinola almanda (7a)
11. Anonymous:Suite in D Major: II. Courante (7a)
12. Anonymous:Suite in D Major: III. Sarabande (8a)
13. Preston: Uppon La Mi Re (Arr. for Solo Lute by Thibaut Roussel)
14. Blow: Tell Me No More You Love
15. Poole: St Fortunatus (14a)
16. Poole: St Martina (15a)
17. Poole: Chacone (prima)
18. Kapsberger: Toccata VI
19. Reggio: To Corinna
20. Withy: Divisions in G Minor
21. Purcell: Music for a While
22. Hely: A Scotch Tune
23. Anonymous: Borgia: I. [Preludium] (24)
24. Anonymous: Borgia: II. [Corant] (24)
25. Anonymous: Borgia: III. [Aria] (24)
26. Anonymous: Tis the Last Rose of Summer
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It was love at first sight when Mathilde Vialle and Thibaut Roussel first encountered the English bass viol and Venetian archlute preserved at Paris's Museum of Music. Both instruments are heard in this program of English music from the second half of the seventeenth century, much of it never recorded before. The exceptional sonorities of their two period instruments are complemented by the virginal of Ronan Khalil and the tenor voice of Zachary Wilder for an album as subtle as it is sublime.