Faure / Grieg / Prokofiev / Bandieri - Fantaisie Op.79, Arranged For Saxophone | RECORD STORE DAY

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Research, experimentation, discovery andrediscovery of new forms and ways ofexpression are the basis of a musician'swork and, in the realisation of this project,they represent the cornerstones of anartistic partnership intended to give valueto an important part of the saxophonerepertoire, namely that related totranscriptions with piano accompaniment.Though the saxophone is a relatively recentinstrument, it became a leading protagoniston the musical scene of the 20th century.While it was not immediately givenconsideration by the great composers whowere contemporary to the instrument'sbirth and initial diffusion, it does possessthe versatility and timbral and expressivecharacteristics to allow it to draw onrepertoire intended for other instruments.In doing so, it gives these works a new lookand an innovative as well as validinterpretation. This album brings togetherthree works that - considering the variedstylistic characteristics and expressiveintentions of the three composers - representa clear example of how the saxophone canfaithfully return the founding idea of eachpiece to the listener, radically modifying itwithout altering it's nature. The FantasieOp.79 by Gabriel Fauré (1898), originally forflute and piano, was written in response to acommission for an examination piece: 'itmust be short, 5 or 6 minutes at the most [.]and include the means needed to test theexaminees on matters of phrasing,expression, control of tone and virtuosity'. Ashort time after Adolphe Sax patented thesaxophone, Edvard Grieg wrote his First ViolinSonata (1865). The author himself describedit as 'still a little naive but rich in melodicideas'. In three movements and characterisedby an almost spring-like atmosphere, it isadorned with references to Norwegian folkmusic which lend a rather grave andturbulent tone to some sections of the work.More 'recent' (by then the saxophone washeading towards the popularity it deserved)is Sergei Prokofiev's Sonata in D Op.94,originally written for flute and piano in1943. It immediately drew the attention ofthe great violinist David Oistrakh, whoproposed a violin version of the work to thecomposer which later became known asOp.94bis. A fundamental work of both theflute and violin literatures, here it ispresented in it's adaptation for sopranosaxophone and piano, and the workcontinues to embody inventive freshnessand lively elegance of writing.