1. Vigrid (Visa FRÅN Vedervärdiga Vidd
2. En VÄV Av Intet
3. Varm SÅ Länge Hjärtat SLÅR
4. Som en Horas Piss
5. Hugg DÄR Det Smärtar Som Mest
6. Kvinnokroppen Krälande
7. Hjadningavig
8. Framåt
9. Liksvaljaren
10. Lukten Av Kristet Blod
11. Hänrycket ÄR Det Enda Sättet Att Le
12. En Dag Ska Jag Svälja Solen
More Info:
"Thrash in Swedish" is a blatant theft from (but more than anything a salute to) one of Sweden's best and most iconic records of all time: Jan Johansson's "jazz på svenska". Where Jan mainly interprets old folksongs, our album however consists of our own material. Nevertheless, just as Jan, we have made sure to grasp the folkish melancholy, the longing and the lost times that sing in our landscapes. We have allowed ourselves a sometimes more melodic and sorrow-stricken approach to our musical art and mixed it with what is our core: Raw, violent energy and stirring, unbinding force! Only this time in Swedish.