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Four-disc set includes: The Little Mermaid (1989)The instant-classic animated film that launched the "Disney Renaissance," this charming adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen fable follows young Ariel on her quest for true love with a land-dwelling prince, much to the distress of her sea king father. Wonderful, Oscar-winning score (including "Under the Sea," "Part of Your World," and "Kiss the Girl") and an array of memorable aquatic characters fuel this all-ages treat. Voiced by Jodi Benson, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Pat Carroll, Buddy Hackett. 83 min. C/Rtg: G The Little Mermaid (2023)Remarkable live-action/CGI redo of the '89 Disney musical classic stars Halle Bailey as the mermaid princess Ariel, whose curiosity about the surface world and attraction to the human prince Eric (Jon Hauer-King) leads her to clash with her overprotective ocean king father (Javier Bardem)-and leaves her ripe for exploitation by the calculating sea witch Ursula (Melissa McCarthy). All-ages charmer also features the voices of Daveed Diggs, Awkwafina, Jacob Tremblay. 135 min. C/Rtg: PG